Thursday, February 12, 2009

Home Again

Well, after a long 4 hour flight with 4 children, we made it back to Arizona. The flight story is another post. :) We arrived Tuesday night and when the plane landed I had tears running down my face. Change is hard, especially when you have to leave people you have grown to love so much. My sister in law (Kate) picked us up from the airport and it was so good to see her. We came to my mom's home that was totally redone after we left. I walked in to a beautiful home BUT not the home I remembered. I got the kids ready for bed and put them down. I took a shower and then I sat and tried to gather my thoughts while putting my feelings and emotions in order. My mom had left to get me something to eat. Jeremy and my dad are driving home and should get in today, I miss him. Yesterday morning my kids were up at 5:45 am. I guess their inner Michigan clocks are going to have to be reset to Arizona now. When we were ready for the day we went outside and their was a banner hanging that read, "WELCOME HOME THOMAS FAMILY". My brother and his wife had hung it up late the night before after I was already in the house. It was beautiful! Then we went to suprise my Nana Emily. She was so excited to see us!! The kids are loving the weather. My brother Daniel and his wife Kristy came and met us at my Nana's house. It was so great to see them! Daniel took the kids out to my Nana's yard and played football and swung them on the swing, they were having a blast! They picked some pink grapefruits off the tree for their snack. I took lots of pictures! Later that day we met my sister in law (Kate) at the park to suprise her kids. They had no idea we were coming home! My mom got out of the car and walked over to them and then a minute later I got my kids out and had them run to her kids. As they were running my niece, Hannah, got this look on her face like she was going to cry and she put her hand over her mouth in a danty way. She was SO EXTREMELY SHOCKED! She put tears in my mom's and her mom's eyes. It was priceless. After her shock wore off she was in heaven. My kids were so happy!! Sariah acted like we had never left and she and Jeremiah played like they had been playing with eachother all the time, it was so sweet. When we were leaving the kids were making their own plans to see eachother again, it was so amazing to see them together again, they missed them. I have had a hard time, it was bitter sweet for me to leave Michigan. I can't explain it because it would take forever but my feelings are mixed. I am happy to be here but at the same time I am very meloncoly. Life is so hard, I wish I could just have it all but unfortunatley it is one for the other, it stinks! However, I know I will be fine. I have some great pictures that I will post soon. I just thought I would update everyone since I have been getting calls to ask about it. I love all my Michigan friends and family and miss you so much! Thank you for everything. To my Arizona friends and patient with me. I am happy to be here and love you all so much! It has been so long though that I feel a little displaced and disoriented. I know I will come around. Until next time...


Kate said...

I have tears in my eyes just thinking about yesterday again! Hannah's reaction was priceless, and Sariah cracked me up with how easy going she was to see you all again. I know it's not easy right now, things happened so quickly and they are perhaps not quite how you planned but just know that we all love you and are soooo happy to see you again. Birthday parties will rock now that cousins are here! LOL.

Thomas Family said...

Birthday parties WILL rock!! I love you Kate!

EmileeandJonny said...

I didn't know you were coming back! You BETTER be at church on sunday- I want to see you guys too!

Tori said...

It will take some adjusting, but you will find that life will just settle into a new "normal". We are excited to have you back here!!

Mackey Family said...

Good for you Desi. This has been a long time coming and you deserve to feel however you want to about this! It IS such a big deal and a HUGE step to take. I am so happy for you. Your family always was such a tight one and I bet it feels wonderful to have you back again. Justin keeps saying that my family will be moving back down there in a year or two... we will see... But you!! Enjoy!!!

Jillsywillsy said...

I heard you might be coming back. Welcome home!

MadMama said...

I am glad you guys are in AZ. I totally understand how it feels to be away from family - it is so hard! And now the challenge is leaving all your friends from MI. I guess the best way to look at is you have friends all over the US who love you and care about you!! Someone told me it takes about 6 months to get your groundings back after you move, it's totally true!

Sara Schumacher said...

I love you and am here to help in anyway to make the transition easier.


nancy said...

i know this is bittersweet for you right now, but i can only say... it's "sweet" to have you home again and i know your brothers and sisters all feel the same. forgive us for being so happy, but your absence was sorely felt. how can we help it!?
(and in two more months when your brother returns from japan, just in time for mother's day, that will really rock!) sweet home arizona!!

Brittany Owens said...

I am glad you are back in AZ, and hopefully we will be back there soon. I guess I missed the story about what happened to make you come back so quickly. Your kids are too cute, and I can't believe how big they are getting. Welcome back to AZ.

carlson family said...

I miss you! But I am happy you are back with you very sweet family and friends.

Rebecca said...

Hey Desiree,

I was glad to see that you had blogged. I have been thinking about your cute family and how we miss and love you guys. Transitions are hard but everything works out for the best! Hang in there... call me sometime, I'd love to talk!

Natalie said...

I miss you! But glad I'm now caught up with you on your blog!