Friday, August 8, 2008

Mailee and Anesahs' Birthday Party


Mailee whacking the Pinata
Anesah whacking the pinata
Darnel busting the pinata open

Mailee and Anesah opening thier 1st gift

Mailee and Anesah on the last gift

Mailee and her necklace she made
Aunt Carrie helping Anesah make her necklace
Hallie wearing her necklace
Isabella finishing her neclace with Aunt Carrie
Isabella making her necklace

Jeremy's sister arrived Thursday and today we had the joint Birthday Party for Mailee and Anesah. It was a great success! The girls has so much fun and received some great gifts. Thank you to all my wonderful friends for their generosity to both Mailee and Anesah. All the girls made necklaces, played at the nearby park, blew bubbles, hit a pinata, and of course had presents and Cake with Ice cream. YUM! It was alot of fun and the kids were glad to have some cousins here. I attached pictures of all the fun and wish you all were here with us. :)


MadMama said...

SO Cute! I love how excited Mailee looks in these pictures. You can tell she is like "this is the best day ever!" The combined birthday with her cousin must have been very special too! :)

Brittany Owens said...

Your kids are soooo cute! I hope you are enjoying Michigan a little. We left Arizona for Missouri, and now after being gone for about a year, we are going back to AZ. Hang in there, I know you can do it. I am glad you found my blog.