Monday, August 25, 2008

How could I forget the camera?!

Jeremy and I had our good friends from Utah visit us for a week this last week, we did many fun things and when I wanted my camera most I did not have it! I was so mad at myself!! However my friend has a few from her camera and my sister in law (who joined us at the beach the last day our friends were here) took some. So....I will do a post as soon as Amanda and Carrie get me the pictures they have. We had so much fun and are so grateful for good friends and family. I figured I had better post something or people would start to wonder. Stay tuned :)


MadMama said...

CUTE PAGE! So was this the Amanda I know from Utah or someone else? We are all thinking about getting together as a "Friends" reunion, whats your feelings on that? I miss you guys and I love looking at your blog with your adorable kids!

Thomas Family said...

Well, this Amanda does live in Utah but it is not the Amanda we went to school with. A friends reunion would be awesome! I do not know how to pull it off with all the kids and everything but it is worth a shot. Miss you too!!! Your girls are beautiful, one of them looks just like you! :)

Becky said...

Hey cute blog!! So excited for this reunion to see everyone again!
Hope all is well with u, cant believe you have 4 and they are already so big... Anymore in the works ;)

Thomas Family said...

Becky! Wow! SO good to hear from you! Your family is beautiful. No more planned at the moment. YOU?