Saturday, October 25, 2008

Jeremiah"s Super Pumpkin

Jeremiah's class decorated the pumpkins they had picked form the patch yesterday. The parents were invited to school to help and to hear the story they had made up about their pumpkin. Here is Jeremiahs story.....
This is Mr. Jack O' Lantern, AKA: SUPER "O"! (He has the whole Clark Kent - Superman thing going on) He is a spy superhero and is on a top secret mission to find the biggest pumpkin in the pumpkin patch and save him from becoming Pumpkin Pie!!
That was the story he told, how cute is that? I love the imagination of a 5 year old! He had so much fun and loved having mom and dad come to school to support him. He is very proud of his "work".


nancy said...

that's a "super story!" =) i love it the cape!


Becky said...

The is soooo cute! Love the story, very creative :D