Friday, April 17, 2009

Jonahs Music Performance

Waiting for the presentation to start

Jonah was so proud of this picture because he took it :)
Not too bad :)

Brothers :)

Jeremiah clapping to the music while the fiddlers are playing

So dark but I can see him :)


Jonah and Mama :)

Nana and Tata.....they wouldn't miss it :)

Madison Elementary celebrated their 20th birthday party and Jonahs class sang a song. It was so cute! He did a great job and actually new all the words, it was so fun to watch him. :) I love how excited they get and how they just think that they are the whole focus of the night. To me he was! I love my kids and I love how I never miss a thing in their lives. I love getting to go and support them in their activities, etc. As I watched him tonight I had this overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my children and it was AWESOME!


Sara Schumacher said...


Shanna Foster said...

Those are some cute pictures. You are looking great! We miss you.