Friday, December 19, 2008

Cinderella, Baby

I was cleaning my front room and decluttering the top of the t.v when I saw this. I laughed so hard. Isabella loves to play with this nativity but she has never replaced the figurines before. She cracks me up, I had to get a picture. The sad thing is is that now I cannot find baby Jesus (or the animals) but heh, I have the princesses! :)


Harris Family said...

Hey that is a good idea... Disney nativity scene. I am sure they would get heat from the small minority that would be offended. But that would be interesting to see how they would pull it off. They would make money off all us with princess girls.

Anonymous said...

Ha! How cute!

MadMama said...

That is too funny! I think that is the first time I have seen princesses in a nativity scene!