Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Well, another year passed and gone. I can't believe how fast the year went. One more term left until Jeremy is officially in his (third) last year of law school!! I am so excited!!! It finally feels like we are coming to the end. I know that he will still have to pass the bar and that even when he finds a job we will still be living like students for a while because of all the school debt BUT despite all that at least we will be done with school. We will be married 11 years in July, have 4 children and have been in school WAY TO LONG! I am tired and exhausted and ready to be done. I look forward to a brighter year, a year of changes and of surprises. Jonah will turn 8 this year and get baptised, that is exciting!! My parents and Jeremy's dad will come for that and I can't wait! Jeremy will be in his last year of law school, Isabella can start pre-school and becomes a sunbeam at church! Hopefully we will have less car problems! Mailee will love some one on one time with mom. Jeremiah is excited to turn 6 because then he gets a subscription to Junior National Geographic from his Nana just like Jonah did. I will turn 30! I don't even like to think about it. I have always felt 20 no matter how old I got now I am exiting my 20's and it is a little unsettling for me. Oh well, Hopefully it will be my year! We should finally be able to go home the end of the year. If all works out we will end our year in Mesa AZ, with my family. I have missed them so much! I have missed AZ. What an adventure we are having. I will say that we have been so blessed here and have made amazing friends who will be very hard to leave. It will be a bitter sweet Christmas for me BUT in the end my heart is in AZ and it is where I belong. My kids are already talking about it. I think it will be harder for them to leave now since their cousins and aunt and uncle from Jeremy's side are here and they have created a friendship with them. They will have a hard time with that but yet they will love to reunite with their cousins from AZ and be able to see Nana and Tata. Who knows, maybe Grandpa will come see them when we are closer. :) I know there will be so many things that I won't expect and things that I will not like but I will enjoy the journey and cease the moment, for a moment is all we get until we look back and it is gone. My kids are only small for a moment and some day when they are older and don't want to be around me, like they do now, I want to know that I did all I could to show them I loved them and that they are my number 1. I wish you all a happy New Year and I hope that yours will be one to remember. Thank you for being apart of our lives. xoxo The Thomas Family
*I wrote this before midnight when my kids fell asleep and then added the picture this morning which is why it says I posted yesterday. Just thought I would explain incase you wondered why my new years post was done before new years.* :)


Anonymous said...

Ya'll should move to Queen Creek! We love it out here!

nancy said...

what?! no, queen creek is another city away! you can move 15 minutes away-max, but that's it! no mas. =)
my babies have been too far away, way too long.
happy new years sweetheart!!!! =) (you're hurting me with that music!)

The Nunes' said...

I can't imagine how excited you are to get back to AZ! Happy New Year... try to stay warm!!!

Jennie said...

I agree with Sara! You should totally move to Queen Creek. I can't believe you know Sara and she knows you! Small world! I found your blog from your comment on hers. Hope you don't mind. Your kids are so grown up! My word has it been that long! Cute fam. We sure miss you guys. Good luck with the rest of school. Almost there!

MadMama said...

Your kids are so cute! I love the party gear! It sounds like this year will bring lots of joy and maybe a move to AZ after a lot of hard work! :) You are a good wife supporting Jeremy through all this. :)