Thursday, September 11, 2008


Fly Your Flag in Rememberance of 9-11-01
I remember where I was when I heard of this tragedy. I was in bed with Jonah who was 11 days old at the time. My mother in law had come to stay with us to help me out. She came knocking on our door yelling, "Jeremy come see the T.V. we have been attacked and the world trade center was destroyed by a plane flying right into it!" We were beside ourselves. I will never forget how I felt watching what was happening and staring into the eyes of my first baby, and right then and there the world was changed forever. This will be something our children will read about in history books the way we learned of Kennedy's assassination. We will remember where we were just like our parents remember where they were when the assassination happened. I hope that our children will really understand how blessed they are to live in the USA and always try hard to be patriotic and speak up so they can make a difference. I want my children to realize what happened 7 years ago and why. I hope your flags are flying proudly today and that those who lost their lives are remembered. Their families are in my prayers, as well as those currently fighting, and I hope they know their lost ones did not die for nothing. I am grateful for my freedom and for those who fight for it. I thank them. Enjoy your day and your freedoms. :) God Bless America


MadMama said...

Desi - Thanks for this post. Today is definetly a very memorable day. When it happened I had just had my wisdom teeth out and was turning on the TV a few hours after it happened. It was all over the news. I remember how devastated I was for all of those people and their families. I will also always be grateful for the firefighters, policemen & volunteers who lost their lives helping everyone that tragic day.

Mackey Family said...

I rememeber that morning like it was yesterday. I was in the living room feeling jake in his little bouncer chair. (He was only 5 months old) Josh's mom called and told us to watch the TV. We turned it on and about 10 minutes later the 2nd plane flew into the 2nd tower. I was glued to the TV the rest of the day. That day will always be with me and it seems like every time I see a flag now, I think of all those brave people who died that day. What an amazing country we live in to be able to pick ourselves up and move on.